Sunday, November 6, 2011

Concluding Callie Care at Comikaze

I couldn't help the title's alliteration. :)

Callie Care boxes were originally set up at League of S.T.E.A.M., D.J. Kirkbride and Top Cow's tables, but The League of Extraordinary Ladies also wanted one too!
(Good thing I made four of those boxes that shed glitter EVERYWHERE. I think Callie would like this, haha.)

I wasn't expecting any money. I just hoped people would notice the teal sparkly box covered with hello kitty stickers, read my note on Hello Kitty paper about Callie, and would drop some of their change in as a means of support.

I didn't expect what had happened.

I'm giving out a huge thank you to
and Vince.

All the above have links to them, and if you could check out these wonderful people, please do.

D.J. told me that this one girl had one of her legs on this heightened scooter type thing, he asked her what it was for and she said that last year she was in a really bad car accident and that she is now in rehabilitation for walking (hence needing some assistance). D.J. told her about Callie and how it was great to see that this girl went though a similar ordeal and is now feeling better.
She gave five dollars.
I saw her later on and I gave her a big hug, thanking her for her donation and her story.

I feel like her being there at Comikaze was a sign.

In total, the Callie Care boxes totaled up to $320.00. In two days.

You never really expect kindness, but when it happens it is really, really emotionally overwhelming. It's like my heart feels full and the only way to empty it before it overflows is to cry.

Side note:

If you guys can't donate money or items but want to help, Eron wrote this on facebook: "[Callie's mom] reminded to me to tell you about is that all of you can go and give blood in Callie's name! She's needed a lot of blood through this ordeal and if you go and donate, you can help people in the same situation! When you go in tell them that you're donating in honor of Callie Rogers"

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